We wanted to offer our customers the flexibility to choose ropes they were comfortable with and already using. Therefore, we do not force a single rope for our ascenders. However, not all ropes are created equal. With that in mind, here is a list of ropes we approve of with our ascender and the characteristics that matter when selecting rope. Rope will have a big impact on how your ascender performs. We would happily test your favorite rope if you could send us some!
Nylon Rope Prep
If you do not have one of the above approved ropes, then make sure your rope meets ALL the below requirements.
Rope Type: Static Line Rope (No Semi Static) Rope Diameter: 10mm – 13 mm Rope Elongation: Less than 2% for 10mm-11.5mm dia. rope; less than 3.3% for 11.6mm 12mm dia. Rope Sheath Construction: Kernmantle, Tech-Nora or Aramid sheath construction (Tech-Nora will have the best rope wear characteristics) Strand Count: 32 or greater (Less than 32 strands will result in increased rope wear)
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